FluidSIM 5 is a comprehensive software for the creation, simulation, instruction and study of electro-pneumatic, electro-hydraulic, digital and electronic circuits. All of the program functions interact smoothly, combining different media forms and sources of knowledge in an easily accessible fashion. FluidSIM unites an intuitive circuit diagram editor with detailed descriptions of all components, component photos, sectional view animations and video sequences. As a result FluidSIM is perfect not only for use in lessons but also for the preparation thereof and as a self-study program.
FluidSIM has already won several awards, among others with the Expert System Innovation Award at the expert system meeting XPS in Kaiserslautern, the international Worlddidac Award and the German educational software price. With more than 200,000 installations worldwide since 1995 FluidSIM is one of the most successful software packages in the mechatronic training.
FluidSIM allows both the convenient creation of circuits as well as their interactive simulation. Not only state changes and component switches, which result from the system, are calculated. Moreover, the user can interactively operate and activate switches or change-over valves. Also, signals from connected hardware or via an interface from other programs can be transferred. FluidSIM immediately reacts to such events and simulates seamlessly the altered system.
You build your circuit diagram from a library of hundreds of pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic components. But the component library is not static. It is constantly improved and enriched with new components.
FluidSIM offers a novel diagnosis concept. For different components, there are failure models available that depict typical defects. Components’ defects can be readily aggregated with a special dialogue to an failure configuration. Before starting a simulation, selected failure configurations can be chosen. Thus, during the subsequent simulation it is possible to identify defective components (e.g. via the virtual measuring devices) which then can be directly fixed virtually. The correctness of the faulty component can be shown to support the learner according to his or her knowledge base. Failure configurations can also be secured with a password in order to hide selected defects from the learner.
The easy intuitive user interface, extensive component library and robust simulation core are complemented with a large collection of didactic materials. Starting point is the integrated tutorial ‘Simulating with FluidSIM’ which teaches the basics of pneumatics, hydraulics and electrical engineering. Educational films and presentations provide the opportunity to go further and get a deeper understanding of the components.
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